Parents may enroll their dancer(s) for class(es) at any time. Tuition is due upon enrollment, along with an annual registration fee of $40.00. Families with two or more students shall receive $5.00 off for every additional student (2 Students = $75.00 | 3 Students = $105.00).
Drop-in students will be charged the $40.00 registration fee after their third drop-in class.
Annual registrations are due August 20th each year. Annual registration fees paid in May, June or July will not be due until August of the next year.
Students who miss four consecutive classes will be required to re-register and pay a new registration fee upon returning to class(es).
60 Minutes……….$75.00
45 Minutes……….$60.00
30 Minutes……….$50.00
90 Minutes……….$30.00
60 Minutes……….$26.00
45 Minutes……….$22.00
30 Minutes……….$18.00
Tuition is due on the first of each month. A $15.00 late fee will be assessed if tuition is not paid on or before the first of each month, and students will not be permitted to participate if tuition is unpaid. There are NO refunds, credits, or transfers. Credit for a make-up class will be made available only for extenuating circumstances.
Drop-in rates are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Tuition is due by the first of each month. Courtesy invoices are emailed on the 22nd of the preceding month.
Tuition is calculated based on the entire dance year (Jan. - Dec.), and is the same each month, even for those shortened by holidays/closures. There is no additional charge for months with five classes. There are no refunds, credits, or transfers.
Tuition must be paid by ACH bank transfer or credit/debit card. A processing fee of at least 3.5% will be added for every credit/debit card transaction. A processing fee of 1% with a minimum of $1.00 will be added for every ACH bank transfer transaction.
Tuition is based on each dancer’s weekly class time.
If for some reason, you decide to drop your dancer’s class(es), you must give written notice by the 22nd of your dancer’s last month using the Studio’s Withdrawal Form provided upon enrollment.
There are no prorates or refunds if you decide to drop a class(es) in the middle of the month.
Dancers participating in either the Holiday or Annual recital, must be enrolled in their recital class(es) through the month of December for our holiday recital, and through the month of June for our annual recital.